Obstructed boat from Pensacola Beach

On February 13, 2023 I took a P1000 to Pensacola Beach to make some observations. The photo of the Compass App on my iPhone placed the location as 30°19’4″, -87°16’33”. See the screenshot.

There were 2 cargo ships that had their entire hulls obstructed by the horizon and a boat that appears to be a fishing boat. The boat’s entire hull was also obstructed. Only the cabin and superstructure was visible.

You can download the unedited photos taken by the P1000, complete with EXIF information below:

Zoom did not “bring the boat back from the horizon”. The amount of obstruction was unchanged for all zoom levels. This falsifies the claim that Zoom brings things back from beyond the horizon. This observation confirms shte globe and falsifies the hypothesis of flat earth.

An unedited video directly from the Nikon P1000 is here: https://youtu.be/6Dwv6_yt3jk

Here is a photo of the location: